Employee creators

Empower store associates to engage customers in an online world

Take your sales team online

Enable associates beyond the store.

Digital tools

Employees respond to directional campaigns, post on social, and share trackable c-links with customers.

Employee storefronts

Employees post curated shoppable videos that they market to customers via trackable c-links.

Track all activity

All engagements on social and site, and resulting sales, are tracked and attributed to each employee.

Bring store employees into your online strategy

Your associates know your products the best. Now they can attract and assist customers beyond the physical store.

Run employee campaigns

Orchestrate digital engagement across your salesforce with content creation and distribution campaigns.

Retain the engagement cycle

Empower associates to sell, whether they meet your customers in-store, on social or on-site.

Enable a unified digital vision

Bridge organizational gaps by enabling store associates to contribute to an online growth strategy.

Manage all regions and stores from one dashboard

Set tiers and goals, and manage employee activity, across every store and region.

Custom application process

Review and moderate every employee that shows interest in your exciting ambassador associate program.

Discover top performers

Learn who can sell at scale for you by looking at the data. Get the best ambassadors in front of your customers.

Create custom incentives

Drive employees to go the extra mile with goals, awards, commission and highlighting top performers.

Book a creator to market your products

No commitment. No limits.
Just a booking fee.